Tipology |
⭐ Good Practice Description:
Logius employs about 500 people. It is a shared service entity that provides critical digital services for the Dutch public sector. To deliver its services, Logius uses two infrastructures: A data centre platform acquired from another government entity that supports applications of national interest, such as DIGID and a data centre that supports less critical applications.
Success Factors:
Technology Innovation | Logius considers cloud computing a key pillar for agility. Logius is working on developing a Kubernetes container-based orchestration layer that aims to rollout to AWS, Azure, and government private cloud data centres, representing a truly interoperable orchestration layer for agile deployment. |
Governance and Organizational Structure | The Logius internal operating model and culture is changing to offer more agile and scalable services to government departments by breaking up big product and application silos and by basing everything on business-case discussions. |
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (Netherlands) (Netherlands)
Strategic Goals
Lower expenditure, improved efficiency and better services for citizens and businesses through smart ICT solutions.
Solutions Developed / Used
Provides End-user support services, and IT infrastructure services/private IaaS cloud.
Start Date
Project Focus
- Broker
- Operator
- Regulator
Geographical Scope
- National
- Cloud
- Federation
Cloud Delivery Model
- IaaS
Cloud Deployment Model
- Enterprise Private
- Hybrid
Project Life-Cycle Stage
- Operational Deployment
- Public Administration