258 Profiles
New infrastructure and paradigm for IoT cloud services that are more scalable and sustainable. Cloud application with virtual images of IoT devices. Virtual cloud-powered Personal Networks.
Insiel delivers shared IT infrastructure, application and end-user support services. It is a Cloud provider certified by the Italian digital government agency-AGID.
Enterprise cloud computing engineered for simplicity and backed by expert support.
IOStack is a Software Defined Storage toolkit for Big Data on top of the OpenStack platform. IOStack will enable efficient execution of virtualized analytics applications over virtualized storage resources thanks to flexible, automated, and low cost data management models based on software defined storage (SDS).
iXworld is a cloud-based platform that covers every aspect of your machine, from researching specifications during the purchasing process to monitoring and optimizing operations to requesting service for the machine.
K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances.
At Keepit, we believe in a digital future where all software is delivered as a service.
Keepit’s mission is to protect data in the cloud
Keepit is a software company specializing in Cloud-to-Cloud data backup and recovery. Deriving from +20 year experience in building best-in-class data protection and hosting services, Keepit is pioneering the way to secure and protect cloud data at scale.
The main goal of the project, is to make Sepior ApS ready to scale the sale of the Sepior KMaaS product (pure cloud-based encryption solution) across Europe. This will be achieved by developing an API-based key management service and integration with existing cloud-providers’ services.
The solution manages identity verification, screening and the monitoring of corporate clients across the globe, and is backed by a combination of people, process and technology to cut through complexity.
Lepida S.p.A. delivers shared IT infrastructure, application and end-user support services. It is a cloud provider certified by the Italian digital government agency-AGID.
Libelium IoT
Libelium’s wireless sensor platform allows connecting the physical and digital worlds.
The goal of LightKone is to develop a scientifically sound and industrially validated model for doing general-purpose computation on edge networks.