258 Profiles

as well as designing, managing and evaluating the national purchasing system and ensuring the management of the PVE, supporting the definition of strategic policies in the areas of information and communication technologies (ICT) of the Ministry of Finance, ensuring the planning, design, execution and evaluation of the technological computerization initiatives of the respective services and bodies.

Estfeed (E-elering)
E-elering is a portal to give customers access to data and services. Estfeed, the data platform, is an energy data exchange for accessing, sharing, and managing meter data between data suppliers (data hubs), data users, applications via the E-elering app store and data access management, and the customer.

Eurotech is a global company with a strong international focus: born and still headquartered in Italy, it has operating locations in Europe, North America and Japan.

EVOLVE is a pan European Innovation Action with 19 key partners from 11 European countries introducing important elements of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud in Big Data platforms taking advantage of recent technological advancements to enable cost-effective applications in 7 different pilots to keep up with the unprecedented data growth we are experiencing .

FAR-EDGE is a joint effort of leading experts towards the smooth and wider adoption of virtualized factory automation solutions based on FI technologies.

The FASTEN project is developing an intelligent software package management system that will enhance robustness and security in software ecosystems by addressing the operational and compliance risks associated to dependencies on networks of external open source software libraries.

Fed4FIRE+ is the largest worldwide federation of experimental Internet facilities in Next Generation Internet (NGI) area supporting and offering testbeds based on technologies ranging from wireless, wired, 5G, IoT, big data, cloud services, and open flow.

Fed4IoT wants to bring the same infrastructure/application decoupling to the world of the Internet of Things, where it is not yet present. In fact, IoT application providers usually exploit their own infrastructure, or Silos, made of their own connected Things.

The objective of FitOptiVis is to develop an integral approach for smart integration of image- and video -processing pipelines for CPS covering a reference architecture, supported by low-power, high-performance, smart devices, and by methods and tools for combined design-time and run-time multi-objective optimisation within system and environment constraints.

FNS-Cloud will overcome fragmentation problems by integrating existing FNS data, which is essential for high-end, pan-European FNS research, addressing FNS, diet, health, and consumer behaviours as well as on sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy.

FogProtect delivers new and advanced architectures, technologies, and methodologies for ensuring end-to-end data protection across the computing continuum, from cloud data centers through fog nodes to end devices.

Fuga Cloud
Fuga Cloud is a self-service, on-demand, rock-solid IaaS cloud
service created for you to build your own platform in a simple and fast

he FutureTrust project will build upon results developed within previous research and large scale pilot projects and integrate existing trust services, which are mostly related to qualified certificates, electronic signatures and time stamps, with the forthcoming eID interoperability framework and conduct research, design innovative solutions and provide Open Source implementations for the recently introduced trust services related to the validation, preservation and mobile creation of qualified electronic signatures and seals.

A catalogue of cloud services certified by the UK government and included in framework procurement agreements.